Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Watchmen


I never read the comicbook series, so before I saw it (compliments of Netflix’s new Blu-ray service), I thought “It’ll probably suck, but I bet the original comics were good and their integrity will remain unscathed.” But after that 3-hour-plus dog’s dinner I witnessed, I’m not so sure.

There were a couple of interesting and deeply disturbed characters, The Comedian and Rorschach. But an all-powerful glowing blue Chelsea go-go dancer who can do just about anything except have a personality? A reclusive loser Batman wanna-be? And a heroine who’s only noticeable super power is home-wrecking? All involved in a nauseating love triangle? All existing in an alternate universe even crappier than this one? Who gives a shit?

Not me.


1 comment:

Dreamless Studios said...

Interesting and thoughtful review. I've been curious as to what people who haven't read the book thought. I suspected that such a close translation wouldn't make a good movie.

One of the things that the book is often celebrate for is its ability to tell a story in a way that could only be told through the comics medium. I think that because of that - a close translation was destined to fail as a movie.

And it was a loose/loose situation for the director. If he moved too far away from the book he would never be forgiven - and having kept too close, he chose to make a movie that many didn't get.

It's also quite frankly a really strange story. One that would never have gotten picked up by a studio if it was purely conceived as a movie.

Your evaluation of the characters is spot on - though that's the way they were meant to be. The idea was to show just how ridiculous the idea of dressing up in a costume and fighting crime would be in the "real world".