Friday, September 25, 2009

Absolut Suck

Although they are all some sort of affront to my childhood, I could probably watch the recent Transformers movies, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, or GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra and get through them reasonably unscathed. But when I saw this Absolut commercial that uses a version of New Order’s almost sacred Ceremony, I was gutted.

It’s like a bad chemical company’s PR commercial. I expected a sweaty-pitted Tilda Swinton to make an appearance at the conclusion of this northern Californian utopian pile of poo. I’m not sure what came first -- the band’s sell out or the ad agency’s buy out -- but some things in this world should/must remain untouchable by commerce or commercialism.

Absolut, suck it. New Order (now no longer), if you’re going to allow this shit to happen, then let Rock Band do it’s thing and reintroduce you and Joy Division to a new younger audience. Or at least allow us older folks to pretend to be you... before you sold out.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Watchmen


I never read the comicbook series, so before I saw it (compliments of Netflix’s new Blu-ray service), I thought “It’ll probably suck, but I bet the original comics were good and their integrity will remain unscathed.” But after that 3-hour-plus dog’s dinner I witnessed, I’m not so sure.

There were a couple of interesting and deeply disturbed characters, The Comedian and Rorschach. But an all-powerful glowing blue Chelsea go-go dancer who can do just about anything except have a personality? A reclusive loser Batman wanna-be? And a heroine who’s only noticeable super power is home-wrecking? All involved in a nauseating love triangle? All existing in an alternate universe even crappier than this one? Who gives a shit?

Not me.