Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Asian Fit

Looks like somebody realized that it’s not just our eyes that are different:

Deep within their design bunker, there must be a fellow Korean bobble head. Now I can finally go and try on their glasses without worrying about snapping them in half. Thanks for the heads up, Rick.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Open your eyes People

This week’s issue of People Magazine has an article on Rain’s U.S. movie debut in Speed Racer, and features a photo of the wrong Korean! This “Asian blindness” is more (or less) perplexing because the writer of the article is presumably also Asian (Alexis Chiu). She must wear glasses ... or contacts ... green ones ...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Back when New Order was still new...

Listening to Cut Copy’s In Ghost Colours and M83’s Saturdays =Youth takes me back — back to when Michael was black, U2 was angry, and the Flav was both. Back to when I thought the 80’s were as good as it was ever going to get.

Monday, May 5, 2008


The film Yasukuni opened today in Japan but under police protection... I’m assuming from possible ninja attack. I guess it’s okay to have anime showing women getting raped (and subsequently torn in half) by alien demon monsters with super cocks, but an introspective documentary is out of the question. Let the healing begin Mr. Roboto.